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Product Highlight

The HPFB by Boca Flasher is a compact & rugged product that is made right in the heart of Boca Raton. After opening up the product, our first impression was that this thing, although compact, is built to take a beating. The build quality is extremely impressive, offers up to an IP68 rating and with the numerous light distribution patterns, this fixture can be utilized in an unlimited amount of ways like facade wall washing, linear grazing, floodlighting and accent lighting, just to name a few.

Landscape designers will have a field day with this fixture's photometric versatility and to sweeten the pot, this fixture integrates Boca Flasher’s patented technology for RGB additive color mixing which can dial in any color variation of choice with pinpoint accuracy. This RGB fixture is line voltage which eliminates the need for locating remote secondary transformers, making installation very contractor friendly.

To learn more about this product, search for the HPFB within The Lighting Exchange, head over to the Boca website at or chat with your local lighting agent to get your hands on a physical sample.


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